上帝已經給我們頭兩個字了:就是〈 舊金山和約 〉和〈 台灣關係法 〉,文字裏也處處標註著「台灣人民」的人權、安全與建國法理,條件也比摩西的出埃及更鼓舞人。我們責無旁貸,只有領受啟示,認清道路,堅強邁出台灣建國的步伐!
台灣,根據〈 1943 開羅宣言 〉不是已經歸還給中國了嗎?
228 就是連假啊,陳澄波、湯德章、鄭南榕是誰?
329 青年節,又沒放假,是什麼事?
從馬英九的課綱微調,曝露了在 ROC 黨國殖民體制教育下,台灣歷史受到嚴重的扭曲,以致台灣人民不但對台灣歷史無知,還可能認賊作父。所以哈佛東亞系博士涂豐恩等人創立了「故事:寫給所有人的歷史」網站,並於 2015 年 8月出版了任人自由取用的電子書,共 39 頁的小冊子《 台灣 · 故事—-十個歷史的轉捩點 》一書。書中提列了:
一、1568 荷蘭獨立戰爭。
二、1662 鄭成功之死。
三、1786 林爽文事件。
四、1860 重啓港口通商。
五、1895 馬關條約。
六、1908 鐵路縱貫開通。
七、1936 國民精神總動員。
八、1947 二二八及其後。
九、1951 舊金山和約。
十、1979 台灣關係法。
3、最後,也是最近的,我們還來得及把握的兩個轉捩點,就是〈 1952 生效的舊金山和約 〉和〈 1979 生效的美國台灣關係法 〉。
這說明了「台灣國政府」崁頂總部,已走在正確的路上,因此本次國會第九次大會的主題「美國台灣關係法 40 周年論壇」,以及規劃中下次的「舊金山和約 67 周年論壇」,實在深具意義!
儘管 40 年來 ROC 體制下台灣課本不教,選舉不提,媒體不公,以致現在 50 歲 ( 1979 時 10 歲 ) 以下的台灣民眾,如前所述,幾乎毫無警覺,而造成島內與國際上認知的混亂和行為的滋擾,而阻礙了台灣建國工程的自助人助與天助。然而 1979 年 4月制定、並溯自 1979 0101 生效的〈 台灣關係法 〉,畢竟幸而是美國的國內法,是美國總統必須遵守的紅緑燈,是台灣人民人權的護身符,是台灣安全危機的防護網,更是台灣法理建國的工程設計圖!
1979 到現在,台灣建國的腳步已因繼續遵循 ROC 體制而蹉跎了 40 年;人口已從當時的 1800 萬人到現在的 2350 萬人;時間上已不容
人類若不把聖嬰養育成 30 歲的耶穌基督,耶穌基督又如何替人類被釘在十字架上承擔一切罪惡?
現在,奇妙恩典,上帝已經給我們頭兩個字了:就是〈 舊金山和約 〉和〈 台灣關係法 〉,文字裏也處處標註著「台灣人民」的人權、安全與建國法理,條件也比摩西的出埃及更鼓舞人。我們責無旁貸,只有領受啟示,認清道路,堅強邁出台灣建國的步伐!
院長 鄭邦鎮
First, innocent ignorance is the normal state
In Taiwan, people used to have to stand up and sing the national anthem before the movie starts.
Taiwan, according to the 1943 Cairo Declaration, has not been returned to China.
Second, the top ten turning points in the history of Taiwan
From the fine-tuning of ex-President Ma’s curriculum, it was revealed that under the ROC party-state colonial system education, Taiwan’s history was severely distorted. This tells us that the Taiwanese people are not only taught to be ignorant of Taiwan’s history, but also recognize the thief as the father. Therefore, Dr. Tu Fengen and others from Harvard East Asia Department created the “Story: History for All” website. In August 2015, they published a freely accessible e-book, a 39-page booklet “Taiwan· Story — A book of ten historical turning points.
- 1568 Dutch Revolutionary War.
- 1662 Zheng Chenggong’s death.
- 1786 Lin Shuangwen incident.
- 1860 restart port trade.
- 1895 Treaty of Shimonoseki.
- The 1908 railway was opened continuously.
- 1936 National Spirit General Mobilization.
- 1947, February 28 and later.
- 1951 San Francisco Peace Treaty.
- 1979 Taiwan Relations Law.
Conclusion: Now is the future!
The book is simple and easy to read, the most notable three things from the book:
- All important turning points in the history of Taiwan are related to the island, foreign countries, and the world;
- The fate of Taiwan and Taiwanese, whether we are more fortunate or unfortunate, we are influenced by “foreigners” rather than “China”; we rely on “Taiwanese” rather than “Chinese.”
- Finally, and most recently, the two turning points we have had time to grasp are the San Francisco Peace Treaty, which came into effect in 1952, and the US-Taiwan Relations Act, which came into effect in 1979.
This shows that the “Taiwan Government” has been on the right path.
Third, the starting point of the Taiwan Relations Law
Despite the fact that Taiwan’s textbooks are taught under the ROC system for 40 years, the elections are not mentioned, and the media is unfair, so that the Taiwanese people below 50 years old, as mentioned above, have almost no vigilance, resulting in island-wide and international confusion what Taiwan actually is.
The Taiwan Relations Law, which was enacted in April 1979 and came into effect from 1979 Jan 1st, is, fortunately, the domestic law of the United States. It is the traffic light that the President of the United States must abide by. It is the amulet of the human rights of the people of Taiwan and the protection of Taiwan’s security crisis.
1979 Up to now, the pace of Taiwan’s founding of the country has been 40 years since it continued to follow the ROC system; the population has grown from 18 million at the time to 23.5 million now.
The poet said: “God only gives you the first word, and the rest is your business!” If every word is to be written by God’s reward, there will be no poets and poems in the world.
If humans do not raise the holy baby into Jesus Christ, 30 years old, how can Jesus Christ be crucified for human beings to bear all evil?
Now, in the wonderful grace, we have been given the first two items: the San Francisco Peace Treaty and the Taiwan Relations Law. The text also shows the human rights; security and nation-building jurisprudence of the “Taiwanese people”, which made the conditions better than Moses.
We are duty-bound, only to receive revelation, to recognize the road, and to take the step of Taiwan’s independence!